USA Tel: (201) 880-0366 | | Fax (902) 542-7479 | Canadian Tel: (902) 542-7478
Helping keep British Motorcycles on the road for over 30 years - established 1977


The bike is now complete and I am extremely happy with the end result.

I am very grateful to you, Wayne, Gary and Martin who have all been a fantastic help and support throughout the build. It has been a great learning experience for me...

Now I'm free to return to my '75 Trident and look forward to working on that one together with your team.

- John, Portland, OR


If you would like to see your bike here, please send us a picture and a brief description and we will post it.

Canadian Sponsored Racer BILL HARRETT

11/14/09 1973 Triumph Tiger 750 Twin
11/01/09 Custom BSA in Australia
11/01/09 Custom BSA A65L
11/01/09 1956 Triumph T110
10/25/09 1968 Triumph Custom Updated 7/22/2010 with New Photos!
10/25/09 1968 Triumph 650 Chopper
10/24/09 Triumph Thunderbird
10/10/09 1969 BSA Royal Star 500cc
10/10/09 Triumph TR25W 250cc
10/10/09 1932 BSA Blue Star
10/04/09 1959 Triumph 3TA
10/04/09 On The Salt Flats
10/04/09 South Jersey Triumph Fanatic
10/04/09 1969 Triumph Bonnie
10/03/09 BSA B50 GP Replica
10/03/09 1965 BSA Thunderbolt
08/30/09 1979 Triumph T140D Updated 7/21/2010 With New Photo!
08/30/09 1966 Triumph Chopper
08/16/09 TRIBSA from Australia
08/16/09 Triton from Australia
08/08/09 Al's Latest - 1969 BSA Thunderbolt 650 Custom
08/01/09 BSA 250 & Triumph 500
08/01/09 Manx Norton
08/01/09 1963 Triumph Bonnie Chopper
08/01/09 BSA A7 Star Twin 1949
08/01/09 Triumph Race Bike Project
07/03/09 1964 Triumph Bonnie Custom
07/03/09 1971 BSA Thunderbolt
06/14/09 Triton
06/14/09 1945 Triumph 3 HW
06/07/09 Rickman
06/07/09 Custom BSA A65
06/07/09 Norton MK3 Rebuild
06/01/09 1972 Cafe Bonnie
06/01/09 Custom Commando
05/10/09 1968 Triumph TR6; 1966 BSA Lightning; 1970 Norton Commando
05/10/09 Old School Triumph Chopper
05/02/09 1970 BSA Thunderbolt 650
04/24/09 1955 Trip Across Canada on a Douglas (Don't miss this one!)

Here is the link to the "Victor Clubman Special" I designed and put together.  Had to sell it, unfortunately.  Wish I still had it.  At least someone was kind enough to put up a webpage to show it off for me. As I said on the phone, the best affirmation I ever got for this bike was having someone ask me "What year did BSA make that bike"? That's pretty much my take on all the bikes I make for myself now.  I try to build customs that the factory MIGHT have made (if they had a little imagination). Anyway, here's the link:
Feel free to share and circulate.  I can assure you that some British Cycle Supply parts were used in the construction of this bike! Mike Selvey, Pine Curtain Cycles, Nacogdoches, TX

04/14/09 1968 BSA Orange Lightning Custom
02/23/09 1970 Triumph TR6 Custom
02/21/09 1973 Triumph T150V Triple
02/21/09 1962 Triumph Thunderbird 650
02/21/09 1975 Triumph T160 Triple
02/07/09 1971 BSA Lightning
02/07/09 Old School Bobber, 53 Triumph 6T
02/03/09 Custom: 1972 Triumph 650 Engine in 68 Frame
01/31/09 Brad's 1969 Bonnie
01/11/09 Custom Triumph
01/11/09 1978 Triumph T140V
12/21/08 Lowbrow Customs 1967 Lightning
12/14/08 Nice Custom Triumph
12/14/08 1971 Triumph 650 Tiger
12/13/08 Corrupted Triumph
12/10/08 Voodoo Phyllis
12/08/08 1966 Triumph TR6
12/06/06 Custom Triumph with BCS Forward Controls

11/29/08 A Work In Progress... 
10/09/08 1947 Excelsior Updated 01/14/2014
10/08/08 1972 Custom Triumph
10/04/08 1968 Triumph T100S
06/13/08 Bruce's BSA H-57 Bitsa
06/08/08 Three Bikes from Sweden
06/01/08 Triumph Custom in BCS rigid frame  
05/14/08 1971 BSA A65
05/07/08 Custom Triumph & BSA
12/08/07 73 750 Triumph Twin 
11/11/07 1970 Triumph T100R
09/28/07 Matchless G12
09/22/07 1966 BSA Bobber
09/09/07 T120 Chopper in Finland
08/26/07 1951 Triumph T100 
08/25/07 1966 Honda Superhawk
08/25/07 Commander Rotary
08/25/07 1970 BSA Chopper
08/25/07 1975 Triumph T160
08/04/07 1948 Norton ES2 
07/21/07 1964 BSA Single
07/21/07 1951 Triumph Thunderbird 6T
07/15/07 Triumph TR6
07/14/07 Nice Custom Triumph
07/14/07 1972 Triumph Chopper
07/10/07 1977 Triumph Silver Jubilee
06/09/07 1951 Norton International Clubman
06/02/07 Evolution of a 1969 Bonnie
05/31/07 Custom 1970 Bonneville
05/27/06 T100 & BSA OIF
BSA Chopper 04/29/09

Triumph Chopper 04/23/07

1970 BSA Chopper 04/14/07

Nice Triumph 04/06/07

Doug Daniel's 1970 BSA Lightning 01/13/07
1958 Triumph TR6 Custom 01/07/06

1969 Triumph Chopper 12/23/06

Ron's 1957 M21 and 1962 A10 12/23/06
77 Bonnie Chop 12/18/06
71 Triumph 650 12/07/06
Custom from RWC of Naples FL 12/07/06 

Nice Triumph 12/05/06
Robert from Florida visits 09/06/06
Chopped T120 09/02/06  
1966 Norton Atlas Cafe 08/13/06

1970 Norton 650 07/27/06
1970 Triumph Tiger 07/20/06
1956 BSA B33 500 07/20/06
1955 Triumph T100 Factory Dirt Tracker 07/16/06
A Nice Custom Triumph 07/16/06
Lightning Clubman Replica 07/16/06
Custom Norton 06/04/06
Brad Hazel's Triumph Chopper 06/02/06
1969 Commando 05/13/06
Triumph TRW 04/22/06
BSA B50 Dirt Tracker 04/19/06
1966 Honda SuperHawk 04/19/06
BSA Chopper Project 04/10/06
Custom OIF Bonneville w/ 1970 Motor 12/24/05

TR5 Chopper from Switzerland 12/24/05
Bikes built by RWC of Naples Florida 12/24/05
1933 BSA 4.99 H.P. W33-7 OHV 500 10/22/05
Dan's building a chopper! 09/17/05
1942 BSA 09/15/05

L.T. Patterson's 67 Chopper 09/13/05

Speed Twin 09/04/05

1967 Triumph Chopper in Qatar 07/28/05

1974 Triumph TR5T 07/24/05

67 TR6 Chopper 07/24/05

Triumph Trident 1973 07/16/05
1972 & 1979 Triumph Twins 07/09/05
1965 500cc Custom Cyclone Competition Model 07/01/05

Triumph TRW SV 500 04/14/05
Dave McCluskey in India on a R.E. Bullet 03/31/05

1969 Triumph T100C Chopper 03/25/05

1970 BSA Firebird Scrambler 03/25/05

1966 Bonnie From TT Cycles 03/25/05

69 Bonnie Chop 02/20/05

David Sills' 71 Triumph Cafe Racer 02/20/05

68 Triumph T100C 02/15/05

Triumph Customs From
Core Machine In Japan 02/07/05

1965 Triumph 650 Custom 12/28/04

Trophy Winner In Vermont 12/21/04

Norton At Circle City 12/21/04

1972 Triumph Custom 12/21/04

1946 BSA B31 12/20/04

1937 AJS 350 12/19/04

1964 Triumph Trophy 12/19/04

1973 Triumph 750 12/07/04

1948 5T In Uruguay 12/05/04

Darth Vader's Commando? 10/04/04

Wendy's B50 09/30/04

Dennis Castilla's 1970 A65 Lightning 09/30/04

Peter Campbell's T140 09/29/04

Charles Holmes' BSA A50 Star 1963 09/29/04

1970 Triumph T100S and 1953 Sunbeam S8 09/27/04

"A Real Gold Star" by Dan McCluskey 09/27/04

Tom Evans 73 T140 Chopper 09/18/04

Todd Crossan's 69 Triumph Chopper 09/18/04

Chuck Pollack's 69 TR6 09/17/04

Peter Campbell's T110 09/17/04

Lee Wright Dropped By For A Visit 09/16/04

Kevin's 72 T120R Custom 09/16/04

Garvin Wolf's Commando 09/15/04
Mike Elliot's Trike 09/14/04

Ed Poirier's 1969 W2SS Commander 09/09/04

Greg Pick's Triumph Chopper 09/08/04

Gary Mahar's 69 Bonnie Chopper 09/08/04

Earl Moorhead's BSA 09/06/04

Duane Stephen's 72 TR6R 09/06/04

Don White's 71 TR6 09/06/04

Don Brown's 68 Bonnie 09/06/04

Dave McCluskey's Pictures
1940 M23 09/06/04

Ron Pecan's A10 09/04/04

Bob Richardson's 1937 AJS 09/04/04

Brid's Racing Triton 09/04/04
64 Bonnie Chop 09/04/04

1959 Tiger 100
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 09/04/04
Andy Greene's BSA 09/03/04
Kennie Buchanan's 1971 A65 Firebird Scrambler 09/03/04
New Jersey Triumph Chopper 08/24/04
Harrell Wilson's 72 TR6 Chopper 08/18/04

Blair and Blaine Sheffield have Custom BSA's

Bikesmith's 1971 T120  
Norm Fernengel's Commando "S"

1967 BSA Thunderbolt  
Steve Snoen Visits On His Commando

Mike Falchi's 1969 Bonnie Chopper   
Ian Peach From New Zealand Dropped In   
Dave Hughes' MK3 Commando   
Michel Gendron's Commando S  
Jim Hunt's BSA 1956 Road Rocket   
Gus Bailey's 73 Daytona  
Peter Gimblett's 71 Commando   
Steve Davis has restored a fine 1979 Bonnie!   
Doug Daniels' 1968 Thunderbolt  
Doug Daniels' 1968 Spitfire MKIV 09/06/04
Doug Daniels' 67 Lightning 09/06/04
Doug Daniels also has a 1972 Triumph 
Mike from Trinidad sent pictures of his Triumph  
Paul Wittet from Trinidad also sent Triumph pictures 
Gary Christy's BSA   
Bernard Friars   
Don Cunningham's 1968 BSA 650   
Vince's BSA 07/29/03   
Mary's Bike 1973 T140V Custom 09/20/03   
Jesse's 1959 A10 09/21/03  
Rick Thoensen's 67 B44 10/11/03   
Jim D's Texas Bikes 10/25/03  
More Bike Pics from Jim D 10/30/03 
An A10 from Jim D 11/11/03
Bill Fraser's A65 10/25/03  
Peter Cenelli's BSA 10/25/03  
Brian Bayliss' Goldie 11/06/03  
Paul Reid sent some 850 Commando pics 11/17/03  
Larry Moore's 1970 Triumph 650 12/01/03   
Bill Litant's A10 01/05/04

Geoff Collins - 1935 BSA Special & 1970 Triumph
Geoff Collins - Triumph Offset-Crankshaft Essay (pdf)
Updated 07/07

1967 BSA Thunderbolt
Steve Snoen Visits On His Commando

Mike Falchi's 1969 Bonnie Chopper   
Ian Peach From New Zealand Dropped In   
Dave Hughes' MK3 Commando   
Michel Gendron's Commando S  
Jim Hunt's BSA 1956 Road Rocket   
Gus Bailey's 73 Daytona  
Peter Gimblett's 71 Commando   
Steve Davis has restored a fine 1979 Bonnie!   
Doug Daniels' 1968 Thunderbolt  
Doug Daniels' 1968 Spitfire MKIV 09/06/04
Doug Daniels' 67 Lightning 09/06/04
Doug Daniels also has a 1972 Triumph 
Mike from Trinidad sent pictures of his Triumph  
Paul Wittet from Trinidad also sent Triumph pictures 
Gary Christy's BSA   
Bernard Friars   
Don Cunningham's 1968 BSA 650   
Vince's BSA 07/29/03   
Mary's Bike 1973 T140V Custom 09/20/03   
Jesse's 1959 A10 09/21/03  
Rick Thoensen's 67 B44 10/11/03   
Jim D's Texas Bikes 10/25/03  
More Bike Pics from Jim D 10/30/03 
An A10 from Jim D 11/11/03
Bill Fraser's A65 10/25/03  
Peter Cenelli's BSA 10/25/03  
Brian Bayliss' Goldie 11/06/03  
Paul Reid sent some 850 Commando pics 11/17/03  
Larry Moore's 1970 Triumph 650 12/01/03   
Bill Litant's A10 01/05/04

Geoff Collins - 1935 BSA Special & 1970 Triumph
Geoff Collins - Essay on his 1970 Triumph 
with 90 degree offset-crankshaft (pdf)

Derek Anderson's
350cc A-Frame Partially Streamlined Vintage Fuel (350 APS/VF) Triumph

Dale Juneau's BSA
Here's a picture of myself and the bike. Took awhile to get it running right, but now it runs like a dream.