You can download our Catalogue by clicking below. The Catalogue is in Adobe PDF (Portable Document File) format. If you have Microsoft Internet
Explorer, just right click on the section you want, and chose "Save Target
As". When the file download window opens, specify the destination and save.
The file is not "zipped"; the PDF format is already compressed. To open just
double click the saved file and Adobe will do the rest.
Or alternately, left click, and download will begin immediately. Adobe Reader
will start in the Explorer window. There will be a blank screen for awhile as
the file downloads. When the pages appear, click the "diskette" icon on the
Adobe Reader bar. Name the file and save locally.
Download the complete
14th edition British Cycle Supply catalogue (Approx. 8mb, PDF)
For exact current price and availability by part numbers, just go to our website above ( and click on the red button on the home page and follow the directions, entering part numbers in the correct format, as we do not currently produce any priceguides due to their becoming obsolete immediately due to prices and
availability changing constantly.
You can email any part numbers that do not come up to us at along with a good description of each item, and your BCS Customer number or full name, address, phone/fax/cell numbers, and as much info on the motorcycle being worked on as possible, so we can check on those items and contact you.
Please note, if you don't already have the correct illustrated factory partsbook or service manual for any British bike you are working on, we sell this important information in printed form for each different year and model of most pre1988 British bikes, as well as on DVDs each covering virtually all years and models of a single brand, and we strongly recommend having this information before ordering any part or working on a bike!
The link for the contents of each DVD is: and the DVD collection of illustrated factory partsbooks, service manuals, and service bulletins covering virtually all years and models of your brand of bike is in stock for immediate delivery at only $69.00 plus shipping, and allows you to print or view whatever you wish.