Magneto Onboard Manual Advance Kit
Part Numbers 334-61/E and 334-61/F
334-61/E and 334-61/F: Clear caps with manual advance and retard control for retrofitting to
Joe Hunt Billet Magnetos. Comes
with points and condenser.
334-61/E - Cap, Hunt Magneto, Clear, with Advance, Counter clockwise
For all British except Triumph 1279 RH mounted mag, and rear mounted 1278 mag.
For mags that are counter clockwise at points, called "RH points".
334-61/F - Cap, Hunt Magneto, Clear, with Advance, Clockwise
Fits Triumph 1279 RH mounted mag and rear mounted 1278 mag.
For mags that are clockwise at points, called "LH points".
About the Kit
The Magneto Onboard Retard kit is a revolutionary device which aids starting by
retarding the timing on fixed-position magnetos, helping to turn the infamous kick-backs
and spit-backs into starts. When the cap-mounted lever is flipped, the points "shift" 10 degrees,
retarding your timing 20 degrees for starting.
The lever is then locked in the advanced position by a rare-earth magnet. The
complete kit consists of a new clear Lexan cap, cork cap gasket, a set of
points, condenser, and the actuating pieces themselves.