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Helping keep British Motorcycles on the road for over 30 years - established 1977

553-Series: Spoke Kits
We stock Buchanan's Stainless Spoke Kits for a large variety of applications; please see the list below.
It is always best to give us the spoke numbers from your parts book so we can cross reference to be sure we provide the correct kit.

Chrome kits are also stocked for some applications; particularly 16" rear wheels.

553-              SPOKE SETS, CUSTOM & PERFORMANCE                

553-01/CHR        spokekit,16",early Tri.                  ST
553-01/SS         spokekit,16"early Tri,SS/SS              ST
553-02/CHR        spokekit,16"TriBSAconical*               ST
553-02/SS         spokekit,16"TriBSAconical,SS/SS*         ST
553-03/CHR        spokekit,16"BSA QD hub                   ST
553-03/SS         spokeset,16"BSA QD,SS/SS                 ST
553-04/CHR        spokekit,16" Norton drum                 ST
553-04/SS         spokekit,16"Nort drum,SS/SS              ST
553-05/SS         spokekit,16" Tri disc,ss*                ST
553-06/SS         spokekit,16"Nor850Mk3Disc                ST
553-07/SS         spokekit,16"BSA fullwidth iron,SS/SS     ST
553-08/SS         spokekit,16" Triumph sprunghub           ST
553-09/SS         spokekit,16",BSA/Ariel alloyHub,SS/SS    ST
553-10/SS         spokeset,20",Vincent Fr,SS/SS            EA
553-21/SS         spokekit,21"Tri.frontDisc,SS/SS          ST
553-22/SS         spokekit,21",conic.6"F.dr,SS/SS*         ST
553-23/SS         spokekit,21"conic.8"F.dr,SS/SS           ST
553-24/SS         spokekit,21"TriBSA DLS 8",67on,SS/SS     ST
553-25/SS         spokekit,21"TriBSAfullwidth8",pre67      ST
553-26/SS         spokeset,21",NORdisc,SS/SS               ST
553-27/SS         spokekit,21"TriBSAfullwidth7"pre67,SS/SS ST
553-31/SS         spokekit,18"stk.earlyTri,R,SS/SS*        ST
553-31/SS/A       spokekit,18",Tri,R,SS/SS,swaged*         ST
553-32/SS         spokekit,18"stk.conicalR,SS/SS           ST
553-33/SS         spokekit,18"stk.BSA QD R,SS/SS           ST
553-34/SS         spokekit,18"Tri.discR,lg.dia,SS/SS*      ST
553-38/SS         spokekit,18"stk,AtlasRear,SS/SS*         ST
553-39/SS         spokekit,18" Nor.ReardiscConv.           ST
553-40/SS         spokekit,18"BSA 1/2W.7"F.drum            ST
553-41/SS         spokekit,18" Nor.F.disc conv*            ST
553-42/SS         spokekit,18" Ariel Sq4 R.                ST
553-43/SS         spokekit,18"fullwidth8"dr,late,SS/SS     ST
553-44/SS         spokekit,18"rear,T20M Cub                ST
553-45/SS         spokekit,18"stk.conicF conv,SS/SS        ST
553-46/SS         spokeset,18"fullwidth8"drum,early        ST
553-47/SS         spokekit,18"Tri.FR.discConv,SS/SS        ST
553-51/SS         spokekit,19"stk.conical F,SS/SS          ST
553-52/SS         spokekit,19"stk.con.3cylR,SS/SS          ST
553-53/CHR        spokekit,as 53/SS,chromed                ST
553-53/SS         spokekit,19"stk.Tri.discF,SS/SS          ST
553-54/SS         spokekit,19"stk.TriT160 R,SS/SS          ST
553-55/SS         spokekit,19"stkNorDrumF&R,SS/SS          ST
553-56/SS         spokekit,19"stk.Nor.discF,SS/SS          ST
553-57/SS         spokekit,19"stk.BSA1/2W.F,8"drum,SS/SS   ST
553-58/SS         spokekit19"TriBSAearly,8"FW dr,SS/SS*    ST
553-59/SS         spokekit,19"TriBSA 8"F,66onFW,SS/SS*     ST
553-60/SS         spokekit,19"TRIBSAfullwd/7"dr,SS/SS      ST
553-61/SS         spokekit,19" stk.BSA QD R,SS/SS          ST
553-62/SS         spokekit,19"stk.Nor.DiscR,SS/SS          ST
553-63/SS         spokekit,19"stk.earlyTriR,SS/SS          EA
553-64/SS         spokekit,19"stk.sprunghub,SS/SS          EA
553-65/SS         spokekit,19",BSA/ArielHub,SS/SS          ST
553-66/SS         spokekit,19",190mmBSA fr,SS/SS           ST
553-67/SS         spokekit,19"p.unitTri7"F.drum,SS/SS      ST
553-68/SS         spokekit,19"BSAhalfwidth7"F.drum,SS/SS   ST
553-69/SS         spokekit,19"preunit Tri.8"F drum         ST
553-70/SS         spokekit,19"DLS TriBSA,7"dr,SS/SS        ST
553-71/SS         spokekit,19"fr,T20M Cub                  ST
553-72/SS         spokeset,19",Vincent R,SS/SS             ST
553-80/SS         spokekit,17"fr,3TA,SS/SS                 ST
553-91            nipple,spoke,stainless 8Gx.281"          EA
553-92            nipple,spoke,stainless 9Gx.250"          EA
553-93            nipple,spoke,stainless 10Gx.300"         EA
553-94            nipple,spoke,stainless,10Gx.250"         EA
553-95            nipple,spoke,stainless,10Gx.281"         EA
553-96            nipple,spoke,stainless,8Gx.300"          EA
553-97            nipple,spoke,stainless,9Gx.281"          EA
553-98            nipple,spoke,stainless,9Gx.300"          EA
553-N10257        nipple,spoke,10Gx.250"                   EA
553-N10289        nipple,spoke,10Gx.281"                   EA
553-N10307        nipple,spoke,10Gx.300"                   EA
553-N8289         nipple,spoke,8Gx.281"                    EA
553-N8307         nipple,spoke,8Gx.300"                    EA
553-N9257         nipple,spoke,9Gx.250"                    EA
553-N9289         nipple,spoke,9Gx.281"                    EA
553-N9307         nipple,spoke,9Gx.300"                    EA